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custom packaging

Types of Custom Boxes

You have to sell a product but are still looking for the right printed boxes to deliver it? You're in the right place.

We offer you the best advice to choose the perfect custom packaging for your store. Fantastic packaging of all types for all kinds of products are waiting just for you to choose them for your sales.

Printed boxes can be of different sizes and colours. You can choose from a wide range of shapes and customisation possibilities.

 The square packaging in corrugated cardboard is the simplest option. It's the ideal choice, for example, if you have to sell candles or round objects. You can have your custom packaging delivered flat if you don't need to buy it together with a product to store inside. In other words, if you're interested in purchasing printed boxes only, they won't take up much place.

document envelopes corporate gifts

Office Folders: Why Are They Always a Must-Have Work Tool?

Although the shift to digitisation has reduced the use of paper, many people still use diaries, custom document envelopes, sheets, etc.

There are still many situations in which paper is necessary. For instance in the legal area, in the archives or even just because it's easier and faster to check.

As far as work activities are concerned, notarial deeds, medical reports, employment contracts, invoices, etc., still need to be printed.

To prevent all these sheets from being lost or ruined, they must be kept together and stored. Document envelopes are a great solution for this.

personalised candle gifts

Personalised Scented Candles

How many times have you tried to amaze your mom or friend with an original and not so expensive gift idea?

We have the answer for you! Here are the personalised candles that you can create yourself. If you visit HiGift, by going to the "vitality and wellness" section and then clicking on "candles", you'll find the answer to all your doubts. You can choose from several candle models to meet your every need.

Alternatively, you can just click in the search box at the top of the HiGift Homepage and type "candles". All the offers on our site will then appear on one page. Besides the single candles, you'll find Christmas candle kits as well. They're perfect as a gift for your mum, your aunt, your grandmother or a friend. Simply put, you'll find everything you need to make a Christmas gift with all the trimmings!

printed paper bags

Branded eco-friendly bags can play a crucial role in promoting your company. They’ll make it look professional and give voice to your vision.

They are of common use and always come in handy. Plus, they are durable and generally seen as elegant. As people are more and more sensitive to the environmental question, paper bags, too, are increasingly spreading. Of course, the ban on plastic bags has affected this trend as well. We had to find sustainable alternatives to disposable items, and eco tote bags were just the perfect replacement.

Giving away branded eco-friendly bags to employees and customers is now a necessity. It grants your company good advertising. Besides, it conveys the image of a green brand.

personalised cups

HiGift – Lots of Ideas for Every Occasion

When we're traveling with our children, there are always many things to put in the car or to pack, especially if they're still very young. Things don't change even if we have to stay away from home for a few days.

Besides, while they're sitting in the back of the car, there's quite a few chances that the water bottle they hold in their hands will fall on the seat or on the floor. Not to mention that their bottles or cans may contain some juice or any type of other drink, which may be hard to wash away.

Fortunately, there's a product that can prevent all this to happen and that will save your car – and spare you some time and effort. We're talking of the personalised cups with straw which you can find on HiGift.

personalised shopping bags

Christmas and the end of the year are approaching, and you have no idea what to give the teachers who have patiently been with your children during these months?

You may have thought of necklaces, bracelets or earrings. However, you don't have the faintest idea of their tastes and you're afraid that piece of jewellery will be left in a drawer, soon forgotten.

Probably, however, there is a gift that you have not yet taken into consideration and that can be the right one. What about personalised tote bags? It's an original, cheap, sustainable and customised gift idea that can pleasantly amaze anyone.

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