Today it’s International Handwriting Day. You may want to celebrate it with special promotional products that fit the occasion. And what about personalised pens? Let's find out why they make perfect corporate gifts for this event.
Handwriting is an important activity. It has been passed from generation to generation for centuries, and it’s been part of our culture for ages. Moreover, it's essential for the cognitive development of children.
It activates different areas of the brain than typing on a keyboard. In this way, it can help improve concentration, long-term memory, as well as reading and writing skills.
Besides, handwriting is a way to express creativity and emotions, too. This can be particularly useful for adults and teenagers. By writing with our hand we can take notes, write diaries and letters, create lists and much more.
We can try out some calligraphy style as well. It’s a perfect way to create something beautiful to look at.
The International Handwriting Day celebrates the importance of this skill. It seeks to raise public awareness of the importance of handwriting in education and everyday life.
The Importance of Personalised Pens in the Personal and Corporate Field
Custom pens are a great gift idea because they are useful and durable. They can be customised with your name, logo, or a special message. In each of these ways, you’ll have the chance to make the gift unique and meaningful.
Besides, personalised pens can be used to promote your business or brand. This is especially true if you give them to customers or potential customers.
One of the reasons why branded pens are so appreciated is because they are useful and practical. Plus, they are necessary in many everyday situations, from writing down thoughts to taking notes in the office or in the classroom. And how many times did you use one just to sign a document?
This means that personalised pens are used regularly. As a consequence, the message or logo printed on them can be seen by many people.
In general, handwriting is important because it allows us to express ourselves and communicate with others in unique and meaningful ways. Branded pens help us with it, and they make the act of writing even more special.
It's important to value and promote the importance of handwriting, and to keep on doing so. Even though our era is in increasingly digital and technological, this activity shall not disappear, because it brings many benefits to our mind.
The Historical Evolution of Handwriting
Handwriting has evolved over the centuries to adapt to the needs of society. As a consequence, it had to find its ways through new technologies as well. Originally, writing was done using a stick or finger. It mainly meant drawing symbols on the ground or on stones.
Over time, Egyptians invented a brush made of animal bristles to write on papyrus. Afterwards, Romans started to use a goose feather to write on parchment.
In the Middle Ages, handwriting was mainly restricted to monks and copyists. They used to transcribe sacred texts and classics manually. During this period, handwriting turned into an art with the use of Gothic characters and the introduction of calligraphy.
With the invention of movable type printing by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440, handwriting began to lose importance as a major medium for the production of written texts. However, handwriting was still used for personal and study purposes.
With the invention of the typewriter in the 19th century, handwriting began to be used less and less in the professional field. However, handwriting is still considered an important skill for learning and self-expression.
With the advent of digital technology, handwriting seems to be in decline. However, studies show that it still has benefits for the mind and cognitive development.
That’s why there is an International Handwriting Day. Its purpose is to celebrate and promote this practice. Are you curious about what benefits handwriting has? Click here to find them all out.
History of the International Writing Day
The International Handwriting Day was established by the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association (WIMA). Their aim was to promote the importance of handwriting and its role in education and everyday life.
WIMA is a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to foster the culture and history of the art of writing. It does so through events, exhibitions and conferences. They created the International Handwriting Day to raise public awareness of the importance of handwriting. Plus, they did so with the hope of encouraging people to continue practicing it. Of course, this is extremely important in the digital age we live in.
The International Handwriting Day is celebrated every year on 23rd January worldwide. It's promoted through various activities, such as writing competitions, pen and pencil exhibitions, and writing workshops. The underlying idea is to encourage people to write by hand, both for the pleasure of doing it and for the cognitive and emotional benefits it entails.
It's celebrated in memory of John Hancock. He was the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. Its signature was so large that the word "Hancock" got to stand for signature in the English language.
International Writing Day – What Is Its Main Purpose?
Handwriting is a valuable skill. It helps you develop your cognitive and creative abilities. Besides, it allows you to express your thoughts and emotions in unique and meaningful ways.
Try to pick up a pen and a block of paper and start writing. You can write about what you like, from what makes you angry to your impressions of the day. It does not matter what you write. What matters is that you do it.
Then go on and try to customise your pens with your name or a special message. In this way, you will have a tool to write always at hand, and perhaps a small personal memory as well.
What Will Be the Future of This Important Event?
It's hard to predict with certainty how the International Handwriting Day will evolve in the future. However, it's likely that it will keep on improving in order to adapt to the challenges and opportunities of the digital age in which we live.
First, there will probably be more and more efforts to encourage the use of handwriting among children and teenagers. This is of utter importance, especially since studies show that handwriting can help improve their ability to focus and grasp the meaning of texts.
In terms of promotion, there will likely be more focus on the use of digital technologies to promote the International Handwriting Day. For instance, there could be more social media campaigns and mobile apps to encourage handwriting and improve user engagement.
What Will the Future Hold for Custom Pens?
As for branded pens, as technology is constantly developing, we can expect that they will be more and more sophisticated and innovative. Think for instance of personalised touch screen pens, which are already on the market, or of branded pens with Bluetooth.
Handwriting is a valuable skill that deserves to be practiced and valued. We hope you will join us in celebrating the International Handwriting Day by writing more with paper and pen. You will find everything you need on HiGift.
And You, Did You Know That...
There is a famous book which was written entirely by hand. It's “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank. She wrote it during her stay in a secret building with her family while Holland was occupied by the Nazi during World War II.
Anne began to write her diary on June 12, 1942. Back then, she was only 13 years old. She kept on writing until August 1, 1944. That was shortly before her family was found and deported to Auschwitz.
Anne Frank's diary was written entirely by hand on school notebooks. There, she describes her thoughts, her dreams, her fears and her hopes during the years of refuge. In doing so, she provided a poignant and deep look at the lives of Jews during World War II.
Anne Frank's diary was first published in 1947. It has since been translated into many languages and read by millions of people around the world.
This book is an example of how handwriting can be used as a form of personal expression and historical documentation too. It also shows how it can be important to preserve documents written by hand, even in a digital age where most writing takes place on electronic devices.
This book is entirely handwritten and has become one of the most important and touching books in the literature of the last century. It helps us to appreciate the art of handwriting and its value as a means of expressing one's thoughts and feelings, and as a historical document.