Personalised Diaries
Personalised Diaries: a planner always at your fingertips!
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To be produced
weekly plannerFully customisable weekly diary. The product is made up of 84 pages (including cover) of 90-gram paper, printable in 1 colour (black), and the cover of 300-gram cardboard with a glossy glossy finish printable front or front and back in full colour. Laminating on the front is available with a choice of gloss, matt or soft touch. The product is made with a milled paperback, a special process that consists of ‘milling’ the pages glued together on the spine, to allow the glue that holds them together to penetrate more and make the product more resistant. The diary can be customised by modifying the preset template, or constructed completely following the guidelines provided in a neutral template.
best price from € 2,14
Personalised Diaries with Logo for Companies and Professionals
Personalised office corporate gifts aren't only useful within the four walls of the company or professional office. Indeed, they're often very coveted as promotional gifts to be offered to customers who complete a negotiation or conclude a purchase. They often come in handy at home or for leisure as well, to plan and carry out activities or hobbies. All this and much more can be done with personalised diaries with logo.
Branded diaries as well as notebooks are a great way to promote your company or brand, because they're used daily and by everyone. They display the logo several times a day and to multiple eyes, so that everyone will remember your business. Custom notebooks and promotional planners can be ordered in large quantities and distributed at the end of the year or at the beginning of the new one, both to the team and to external collaborators and customers. They're then promotional products with guaranteed success, whether you choose the pocket models or the larger ones. In any case, personalised diaries with logo convey seriousness and professionalism, as well as being always useful.
Work and Leisure Corporate Gifts: the Versatility of Personalised Diaries with Logo
Cheap personalised planners are excellent corporate gifts because they're useful to everyone. They can be offered as a free gift to customers, external suppliers, employees, attendants at a fair near the Christmas holidays or loyal customers. There are then several occasions for which you can create personalised diaries with logo in order to give your target a useful and pleasant object and give the company a significant boost in terms of promotion.
Like personalised calendars, promotional planners or notebooks are corporate gifts that last all year and are used every day by anyone who receives them as a gift. Even those who aren't used to taking notes on a paper calendar will immediately 'find out that they can't give up their personalised diaries with logo. They're a great way to get noticed and promote your business or brand, because they're appreciated by students and workers, professionals and employees who can organise their tasks or their day.
Personalised Diaries with Logo of the Company: the Number One Corporate Gift for Work
We see our personalised notebooks and promotional planners mostly in the office or in the studios of professionals. Those who manage work independently can't do without a diary in which to mark all work commitments. The added bonus of personalised planners is that they contain every day of the year complete with the date and day of the week. This allows anyone using branded diaries and planners to write their notes directly on the page or in the space related to the day of interest.
Making the organisation of every moment easier and more immediate, personalised planners are a great gift idea for your employees, for a target group of professionals or for colleagues. They're promotional products that suppliers can offer to professional studios to be remembered even after the Christmas break and throughout the year to come.
If you give your team a gift at the beginning of the year, it will be back to work with an extra motivation to give the best for the company. Employees will be encouraged not only because their personalised diaries with logo will reward them and thank them for the commitment shown the past year, but also because they'll have in their hands a new tool to work efficiently and strategically. All custom office items that make it easier for employees to work are welcome and successful within the team. Among other things, if left on the desk in plain sight, personalised planners can be noticed by anyone who enters the office. The image of the company will be so professional and classy, as well as giving the impression of an organised and efficient environment.
Personalised Diaries with Logo for Customers: Versatile and Always Appreciated Promotional Products
Choosing to create personalised planners and branded diaries for customers is no doubt an excellent promotional strategy. They can be given away on a large scale so as to promote your logo far and wide. We're talking about very useful corporate gifts when it come to writing down any type of activity or commitment, not just appointments or meetings. They can for this reason be used by anyone, not only by your team or your collaborators for work tasks, but also by your customers, whether they're freelancers or employees.
Any information can be written on personalised diaries with logo. They're generally used to write down commitments and mark the day, in order to organise work, commissions and meetings in the smartest and most effective way. And, above all, to avoid forgetting about important deadlines or appointments. Personalised planners in pocket size can be taken anywhere, to keep track of the day's schedule at all hours of the day.
For this reason, giving them to customers is an excellent marketing strategy, too. Anyone who receives your branded diaries can use them for work or personal activities, for an aperitif with friends as much as for an appointment at the dentist's. Also, the recipients of your personalised diaries with logo can use them to write sentences and notes that have nothing to do with commitments and planning. One advantage of promotional planners lies precisely in that. They're like personalised notebooks, where everyone can write whatever they want.
Personalised Diaries with Logo for a Professional Image
When we think of a professional, we imagine a person in a jacket and tie, with a briefcase and a diary or planner under the arm. Always having a diary on which to mark any note to remember stands for seriousness and professionalism, which is very important for a company or a self-employed person. Branded diaries and planner are a safe bet in this case. The professional you're addressing is implicitly saying that they consider your appointment or the task they have to perform for you important, reassuring you that they'll certainly do it in a timely and accurate manner.
Besides being necessary to find your way in the midst of different daily commitments, personalised diaries with logo are then a symbol of seriousness and inspire confidence. Especially because they can be made in a very elegant way for offices of lawyers, doctors and engineers, but also in a very informal and friendly way. This latter is the best option if you want to distribute your promotional planners to a wider audience, which may be made of young workers and students, for instance.
Plus, our branded diaries in pocket size are perfect for a wide-ranging promotion. The reason for this is simple. They'll spread your logo each time they're used, not only to those who write on them, but to people who look at them as well. Your logo printed on the surface won't go unnoticed. Moreover, depending on the customisation you've chosen whether it's nice or professional, it can attract the attention and arouse the curiosity of friends or colleagues. In this sense, it's important to choose a print that represents your brand, so that your personalised diaries with logo can appeal to potential customers, who may really be interested in your offer.
Personalised Diaries with Logo: Models and Who to Give them to
Cheap personalised planners and branded diaries are corporate gifts to use in order to promote your brand because they're always useful, with a great visual and promotional impact and, above all, highly customisable. Starting from the model, which in itself says a lot about the company. Personalised planners and diaries can be made in different formats, colours and materials, and can be printed with the logo, contact details, slogan or any other message you wish to communicate.
Promotional planners, pocket-sized diaries and notebooks are ideal as corporate gifts, also because they allow any company to shape them according to its core business, its promotional intent and the image it wants to give itself. Here's a brief guide to the models available on our site:
- Personalised planners with spiral are perfect corporate gifts for those who're often on the go. The side spiral binding is very convenient for turning pages and taking notes when standing or in a fairly small space. They're like personalised spiral notebooks, but days and weeks are already set;
- Pocket-sized branded diaries are the number one promotional products for all those who wish to carry their paper diary with them at all times, even when they don't have a large bag or backpack in which to store it. However, they have less space than larger models and are for this reason more suitable for a target that doesn't write a lot on its diaries;
- Promotional planners with elastic band are very similar to personalised elastic band notebooks. The elastic band that allows all the pages to stay closed when they're put in the bag, backpack or pocket. This allows the pages to always be in order and not be ruined.
Personalised diaries with logo differ for the way in which the space and time is organised. On our website you'll find weekly personalised planners as well as daily branded diaries. The former are perfect for anyone who needs a general overview of their commitments. The latter are the ideal notebooks for very organised people who love to write down all their commitments of the day.
Cheap Personalised Diaries and Planners to Give Away with Other Corporate Gifts: Get the Highest Promotional Effect
To achieve the maximum with your promotional campaign, it's a good idea to invest on several fronts, which can also mean adopting more corporate gifts. Of course, your promotional products should always be consistent with each other and with the corporate identity. This applies to our personalised diaries or pocket-sized promotional planners as well. They can be distributed together with other promotional gifts, especially if you go for the cheapest models. For instance, our branded diaries and personalised planners work well with:
- personalised stationery, especially for stationery shops or shops specialising in office supplies;
- personalised desk items and personalised document holders, to make the work environment welcoming and consistent or to offer their collaborators office accessories useful for their business;
- printed bookmarks, to be placed within the diary or planner so that your employees or customers can use both your promotional products together or separately and in any case advertise your logo twice.
In conclusion, there are several advantages to choosing cheap personalised planners as promotional products. There are different models available, including our branded diaries with spiral and pocket-sized promotional planners. The customisation options are varied as well, ranging from reproducing simple logos to a promotional message. In any case, with personalised diaries with logo you can take advantage of the incredible and timeless usefulness of these corporate gifts, whether they're offered to the team or to customers.
For more ideas, click here.
Promotional Items have multiple benefits for businesses. They can be part of corporate merchandising, a promotional and advertising tool for customers, and also a gift for employees during holidays, anniversaries or corporate anniversaries. They are useful tools to leave a memory of the brand during events, fairs, promotions to potential customers. Promotional items customized with your logo, if chosen carefully with respect to the communication message you want to convey, undoubtedly create added value to your brand.
If you want to learn more about this topic, click here.
Personalised Diaries - FREQUENT QUESTIONS
Personalised diaries with logo are a must have for any type of companies in their promotional campaign.
The reason for this is that custom diaries are timeless as corporate gifts regardless of the sector in which your brand is active.
They're needed by everyone to mark their important dates and commitments, or just to write down what they should remember.
Often used as promotional products at the beginning of the New Year, they can be even included in the welcome kit of new hires. Personalised diaries with logo are often excellent corporate gifts for bookshops and stationery shops, or for professionals.
Promotional diaries have several qualities. Among these:
- They are cheap
- They can be fun or serious corporate gifts, depending on the corporate image and target
- They are available in various colours and can be used everywhere.
HiGift offers a wide range of promotional diaries to be personalised according to design, material and colour that best represents your brand.
The choice of your corporate gifts is important, as these should be in line with your core business, marketing campagin or with the event at which they're given away. Only so will your brand identity get stronger! To find the best promotional products for your strategy, take into consideration functionality and looks. Your personalised diaries with logo can look professional or nice and fun.
After selecting the model, you'll see the available printing techniques. Depending on the promotional diary selected, you may print your promotional diaries with logo using digital printing or engraving. The technique too can express the nature of your brand in an effective way. Engraving is for instance the best choice to present yourself as serious and professional. This technique produces a relief effect, but can't reproduce any colour. Digital printing, on the other hand, is the best technique to customise your promotional diaries in a fun and cheerful way - for instance, if they're meant for a young target.
In the dedicated section of our web site you will find many ideas as to how to create your custom diaries with logo and prints.
Verifying every detail is important. It is therefore normal to buy personalised notebooks without having touched them can block your purchase process. For this on HiGift it is possible to receive a sample before ordering the entire quantity of the Notebooks. The procedure is very simple: just click on the red button calculate your quote and buy and enter 1 in the desired quantity. Then need to click on confirm order to proceed to purchase the sample without the desired print, after registering on our site or logging in if you are already a customer. In many cases it is also possible to customize the sample with your own logo, in order to be able to see the finished promotional product. Just choose the personalization on the calculator and that's it. To find out the cost of the neutral sample, go to the price summary that you see in the product sheets of Notebooksand you will find it highlighted. In case the timing does not allow you to wait for the receipt of the sample to place the order, write to our customer service, we will be happy to help you with information or photos of the selected product.
- If you are not already our customer, sign in on HiGift or log into your account.
- Choose the promotional item you prefer and, once you have entered the product sheet, click on the appropriate red button calculate your quote and buy.
- Enter the quantity and possibly the color of notebooks, choose the type printing and follow the steps indicated until you have the final quote.
- Click on confirm order to proceed with the purchase.
After your approval, we will proceed with production and you will receive Notebooks in 15-17 days. If, on the other hand, you have purchased notebooks without any customization, you will receive the goods in 3-4 days. If you want to know more about delivery time, visit this page. For more information on placing orders visit the section how to order. If you have doubts about payments, visit the section payments