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personalised bookmark

Facts about the bookmark: its origin

The bookmark originated in the ancient times. The first one appears in the history of man with the first alphabets.

It was made of highly valuable rigid material. It could have been bone, gold or wood, all finely worked.

It's in the Middle Ages that the bookmark takes the shape that we know today. Even before Gutenberg invented mobile printing in 1455, monks and prelates used this small tool to make it easier to read and study the sacred texts.

At the beginning they were simple pieces of cloth or ribbons attached to the cover of the books. This tradition is still in use today during public readings of holy books, during religious functions or ceremonies.

personalised notepads

Do you wish to equip your workstation with all the comforts and above all with suitable accessories? Customized notepads in A6 and A7 format may be the solution you're looking for.

Besides making the environment look smarter, they're very useful during meetings, when you need to take notes.

Let's see in detail how to create perfect personalised notepads for your office. We'll find out what are the advantages of using these corporate gifts to optimise work times.

personalised backpacks

Personalised backpacks could be a great gift idea for a student who's leaving for Erasmus. Or maybe for sportsmen who never know where to put what they need for the gym.

Customising such a useful item with the name of the birthday guy makes the gift unforgettable. It gives it an extra touch. There are different types of personalised backpacks you can choose from, each of which best meets certain needs.

Who is this gift idea good for? How can you choose the perfect backpack?

Backpacks allow you to carry weights in a comfortable and healthy way for your back. Unlike bags, which bring the weight on one side only, backpacks split the weight evenly on the shoulders. In this way, they don't harm your posture.

personalised car accessories dealerships

Personalised car accessories to combine comfort and fun

Personalised car accessories are a great idea to make your trips more enjoyable.

People spend more and more time on board of their car. These hours represent a substantial part of the day. We go to the workplace, run errands, travel. We use the car in countless circumstances, sometimes even with kids.

These occasions often cause a lot of stress. The traffic and the rush to keep up with this hectic life play a role to it, too.

customized polo corporate team

Do you want to give a customized polo as a corporate gift? If the answer is yes, then you need to keep a few things in mind.

Let's start at the beginning. You're thinking of a gift for your team, and you're looking for a personalised promotional product that reflects your company. Before thinking about how to give meaning to your object, you have to focus on choosing the item. It must be useful to employees, so that your staff can use it in daily life.

The most common mistake when you make gifts is that your idea doesn't arouse the interest of the people who receive them. The items are soon abandoned and, sometimes, even forgotten.

personalized coasters for wedding

Choosing custom coasters for your wedding is an original idea that'll make you stand out from the crowd.

Customising accessories gives a unique touch to the event. You can choose any item and turn it into a nice idea to decorate the location with.

Coasters are one option. They're always useful and necessary on a well-dressed table. Let's find out how to make them unique and original with a few, but important tricks.

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